.. _database-initialization: Database initialization ======================= Note that installing QWAT using the initialization script is only required for contributing to the model or extending the model. If you only need to test a demo or use a production database, a regular postgreSQL dump is enough. See `Demo page <../demo-guide/index.html>`_ for that. Process -------- Assuming you have installed a postgresql server. In a shell: :: git clone https://github.com/qwat/qwat cd qwat Update data-model submodule: :: git submodule update --init --recursive In order to create the database model you need to create a postgresql database. Do to this you may execute for example: :: psql -U postgres -c 'create database qwat' You can choose whatever name for the database and whatever user as its owner. The script that is used to create the database model looks for the `.pg_service.conf `_ file in the users home directory or in the directory specified by the `PGSYSCONFDIR or PGSERVICEFILE `_ variables. Assuming you named your database ``qwat``, edit the ``.pg_service.conf`` file and make it look like: :: [qwat] #enter your database ip host= #database name dbname=qwat port=5432 user=postgres #you can also add your password if you like password=YourPassword Now go to the ``data-model`` directory and run the ``./init_qwat.sh`` script: :: cd data-model ./init_qwat.sh -p qwat -s 21781 -d -r The script has the following options: - ``-p`` PG service to connect to the database. - ``-s`` or ``--srid`` PostGIS SRID. Default to 21781 (ch1903) - ``-d`` or ``--drop-schema`` drop schemas (cascaded) if they exist - ``-r`` or ``--create-roles`` create roles in the database Roles are: ``qwat_viewer``, ``qwat_user``, ``qwat_manager``, ``qwat_sysadmin``. - Viewer: Can consult tables and views. - User: Can edit data. - Manager: Can edit data and value lists. - Admin: Database administrator. .. _restore-demomodel: Restore demo datamodel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Optionally, you can restore a sample dataset. For that you need to `download `_ the data sample dump and restore it into the QWAT database with pgAdmin or with pg_restore, assuming you have named the download file *qwat_dump.backup*: :: pg_restore -U postgres --dbname qwat -e --no-owner --verbose --jobs=3 --disable-triggers --port 5432 qwat_dump.backup